One Bad Thief Catches Another
At Southerton Police Station, they live life on its very edge. Nights when a patrol goes through with no action are a rarity; there is always something happening within the borders of the police precinct to keep cops on patrol occupies throughout the night. During one night late last year, they were passing by a garage just behind the police station itself when a commuter omnibus that looked to have put up for the night just bolted out of the blue, dropping a suspicious paper bag, which later turned out to be full of explosives. That explained why the station had been receiving a lot of theft cases where safes had been blown up by explosives and ransacked of their belongings, most of which were cash. Then the other time police officers on patrol in the Lochinvar area were joined by their Officer-in-Charge, Inspector Douglas Chiripanyanga who was doing his Visiting Officers’ rounds – and suddenly they disturbed thieves who were draining fuel from one of the mobile p...