Cometh the new year...

And another year grows tired and nears death. it has fought its good fight for some, while many of us might simply cannot wait to see the the arse of 2013 as she stumbles along her last days. I know most of us have been screwed; screwed by life. Screwed by people we thought were different. Screwed by the people we suspected or knew were only there to screw us. Screwed by government. But then government has always been screwing people since the idea of government was created. That is why there is The Arsenal, and Brandy, and and beer and sex. That is because a person needs somewhere to bury his anger after being screwed. Some people want to bury their rage in a lot of liquids that scald their lips as they cascade down their throats. Others bury their anger in a lot of pussy. It happens. Shit happens. But it is easy for people to remember the bad days from the 365 days of bliss that we have been granted yet again by the Creator. It is easy because it does not take much for a...