The Lonliest Police Officers

Located right at the horn of Zimbabwe is Kazungula Police Station, 70km from Victoria Falls towards the sunset. Having travelled to the place under the cover of the night’s darkness, I missed the captivating splendour of the lush national park either side of the tarmac whose quality all roads in Gokwe can only dream of. Not only that; I have never been to KZN – as Kazungula is popularly known in Kazungula – all my life; so you can imagine my shock when I opened the window the morning following my nocturnal arrival, to be greeted by the discovery that I had slept right on the bank of the majestic waters of the Zambezi. This was actually my second time being shocked by the Zambezi; the first having happened in Mana Pools when I opened the crack of my tent, after awakening with a jolt to the irritating bellow of the hippo. What a beautiful sight. At Kazungula, two goal posts were erected on a gently sloping gradient near the Mess – we actually got embroiled in an argument ov...