
Thoughts at 2AM...

Being up at 2am does not mean you can't sleep. Being up at 2am means it’s just you and your thoughts – to which the only disturbance you can allow is trying to find 165million reasons why it pays to be corrupt in Zimbabwe - and there has never been a better opportunity to be at your creative  best. Except maybe if you are a wanker; in which case you can wank your poker – or pokee – into kingdom come at 2am. Maybe there is special skills required for wanking at such a goldenly quiet hour as 2am. But I'm no wanker. I mean, I am a wanker. Just a literal one; not the kind of wanker who is such a menace to mankind that even his father wishes he'd pulled out in time; and his mother wishes she'd had an abortion. There is a serene quietness about the ghetto right now that calms your nerves. You can almost feel - nay - hear Harare breathing the carbon monoxide of the previous day's rigours out of their system - in preparation of the day the new day's new rigours....

COVID-19 and Zimbabwe: When an Irresistible Force Met an Immovable Object

COVID-19 has come at a really bad time for Zimbabwe Sooner or later, the day of reckoning was always going to catch up with the Zimbabwe government.  Up until now, they have found a ready excuse for why they have failed on their mandate to feed every citizen in the country, why the formal economy has been practically decimated to the point that it is more costly to be formally employed than stay at home; why millions have been fleeing the country and risking their lives in foreign lands in search of greener pastures. Sanctions. It has always been the fault of sanctions. But the devastating spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed a few home truths about the quality of leaders in most governments of the world; Zimbabwe included. In the sea, they say a captain’s worth – or lack thereof – come to fore during the mightiest of storms; and so it has proved with a global pandemic that has crept on the world unawares. By the time it gets done, the Coronavirus pan...

Supercharged Showerthoughts: on Migration and Race

Maybe later, I will come back to this post, and give it more nuance – but there is definitely something wrong with the world right now. Well; not the whole world; but Europe and America. I am talking about the racially charged caging of immigrants and the racial, jingoistic connotations behind Brexit and the rise of right-wing politics in the so-called developed world. And I have been moved to rush this right now, because the "leader of the free world" cannot stop spewing his racist vitriol on social media against his own people. Just because they are not white; and did not come from Norway. Developed world, my arse. It is the greed of these people that got us here in the first place. Yea baby; people in Africa certainly did not maraud any place on a colonial rampage like the white people did when they bled their own lands dry of mineral and floral wealth. We were fine in Africa, and certainly did not need anything from anyone; and I do not think colonial visitors were ...

Showerthoughts: On Race and Equality

Dozens dead in Christchurch , New Zealand. Trouble in Charlottesville , USA. And closer to home, who will forget those pictures of black children cowering a corner - far removed from their white schoolmates at Schweizer Reneke primary school in Johannesburg. And every time people of colour are victims of racist acts everywhere, you have politicians dusting their vocal chords and vocabulary, wank lyrical all over the microphones,  offer thoughts and prayers. Occasionally, they will let their guard down and let the world in on their true views on White Supremacism; "There are fine people on both sides."  After a few days, the politicians will go back behind their shells; the media might be seized with the latest outrage for a few days more - until Kim Jong Un 'threatens' to freeze the world into the long night with a nuclear winter (Anybody wonder whether North Korea actually does threaten the world; or it is just somebody with vested interests who wants to ensure...

Side B

Zuva remuna October rakareba vakomana; hariviri. Izvozvi kuma5 kuno rinenge riri mudenga umo, richipisa zvekuti heki. Isu tinenge tabva kuno kare kare tadova kusvika kumba. Gumiguru mahwanizve; dei anga asingazopisi se blast furnace yekuRedcliff ndaitoti ndinomufarira zvangu ini. Asi uno haazi Octoberka. Tiri muna July, mai vechando. July wekuno kuMasvingo Province unotonhora zvekuti chando chacho chinenge chichidova kuuzhinji chaiko. Kana chando chawanda chinohi zvando. Foo dzinohosara dzochaya zuva racho ratsvuka, rodotsvoda makomo. Svimhepo sviri kundirova pano svinenge sviri kuseka zuva kuti hapana zvariri kusevenza, nokuti ini ndiri kuchekwa nechando pano, iro richingobwinya riri kumadokero kwenyika richigadzirira kutiza pasi parapwera richigwa nekudziisa. Richikonewa. Riri kundisvota sendadya sadza nemunyu wemabwe. Rakonewa kundidziisavo futi. Ndimire pasi pemupfura wakatarira giraundhi revakomana rebhora, ndakazembera hunde yawo ndichinamata kuti handizonanaigwi nezviny...